Tuesday, June 21, 2016

That Aha Moment

Every once in a while you meet someone who has the soul of a Fly-fisher. You realize this element of their personality but they quite don't see it in themselves or have not realized it yet. I take this not as a challenge but a responsibility to guide them on their path. Their journey from here on is of their own.

My friend fits this bill. We hopped in the car one day with fly rods at the ready. Driving to a secluded Large-mouth pond I hoped he would find this fun. We didn't need a spiritual awakening, but, in the shit storm called life it couldn't help. As Garret received casting instruction on the rickety dock I could see he was intent on learning. I assured him it was not as hard as others had told him.

Its probably not a good idea to take a first timer in 20 mph + wind. He didn't seem to mind. His inner fly fisher was awoken. I had that Aha moment with him when I realized he like fishing, enjoyed a challenge, and would excel through tough situations until they were second nature. While fishing I saw the moment where Garret found his Aha moment. His shoulders eased, his smile broaden. His cast found rhythm.

   Another life changed...but don't give me the credit. His wife is a friend, too. I'd like to keep it that way. By the smile on his face he knows he's having that Aha moment.

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